Anyone have a Collie/St. Bernard mix dog?


We've been considering getting a second dog for a couple of years now, and recently I found a Collie/St. Bernard dog which I have fallen in love with! It will be at an adoption event nearby tomorrow and I am trying to make a final decision on whether we should get it or not.
I think it will be a good family dog and a good companion to our current dog which is a cocker spaniel/who-knows-what-else mix. Our current dog is a great dog, but he's more of my husband's dog. I love big dogs and want one to be my "baby".
Wondering if anyone has a Collie/St. Bernard mix dog and if so what has your experience with it been?

darth tang

Active Member
Never the mix, but I have experience with both breeds. Very good dogs and great family pets/protectors of children. However with that kind of fur coat they need to be brushed constantly and groomed atleast every 8 weeks (minimum) by a professional groomer. To groom them you are looking a 60-100 dollars every eight weeks depending on area and where you take it to be groomed. So factor that in you costs each month as well as dog food.


Hmmmm, hadn't thought of the grooming, but she doesn't have long hair like a collie though. Seems the main physical collie traits she has is the longer snout and the coloring, and she appears to get her size from the St. Bernard side.
It just seems like a really interesting combination to me. Need to make a decision by 2pm tomorrow, so we'll see.