Anyone Have A Jawfish??? Post Pics


Active Member
They are labeled as jumpers. I had one, loved the guy...entertaining to watch. I accidentally dropped a powerhead and thought I caved the guy in. I tried to uncover him, and he ended up taking the back door and jumped out. So that was my fault. I did not see him until the next day crispy on the floor. But if you have a top, that is even better.
Here is a short video of it making the burrow prior to my scaring it....

masta man

I had a yellow head ,but it went suicide. For the 4 days I had it it would constantly go to my filter and sit there, and all the time the filter would tear off its fins so all he had was a bloody stump on his tail. I couldn't take it so I took him out and smashed him so he didn't suffer It was greatly disturbing.


i would think he would just flush him or throw him into the woods or something instead of smashing him with a hammer on his counter


Active Member
I hear the blue spotted jawfish are really delicate....I know a LFS had several...about 4 of them, lost 2, the other two were sold, but one died about a week later. Not sure if something was wrong with the shipment they got or what...but they are very pretty...and pretty expensive...I believe the LFS was selling them for 80 bucks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by b0bby1
i would think he would just flush him or throw him into the woods or something instead of smashing him with a hammer on his counter
This is actually the most humane way to put down a fish.


I hope ur not serious about you saying you smashed him that just makes me really mad, I wont say anything else but next time use ur head and do something else alright.


Here is mine blue spotted jawfish chilling with my eel. IMO it's not worth the $$$ because it hides most of the time.

masta man

Originally Posted by b0bby1
wut did u smash him with?
well I just put him in a ziploc bag and put a newspaper over it and smashed him with my hand. Fish are very soft and small so I didn't need a mallet or a hammer. It is hard killing a fish, but it was easier than making him suffer. The least of two evils for you and the fish. Just like that Terri Shivo (I think you spell it like that) thing.

fish addict

Originally Posted by Masta Man
Just like that Terri Shivo (I think you spell it like that) thing.
that is completely different, don't compare it to that.

masta man

Originally Posted by ghola5
I hope ur not serious about you saying you smashed him that just makes me really mad, I wont say anything else but next time use ur head and do something else alright.
Ghola5 It is sad, yet it was needed. My jawfish was greatly disfigured and grotesque. He only had a bloody stump for his tail fin and all his others were shredded. He was barely breathing and he was almost clear white. would you have him suffer for the last day, and also put your tank at risk with infection just because you can't let him go. He needed to go why prolong it in pain and suffering. Also Puffer32 I agree, and thank you for backing my argument.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
I hope ur not serious about you saying you smashed him that just makes me really mad, I wont say anything else but next time use ur head and do something else alright.

It is considered they most humane way in many cases to put down a fish. It is instantaneous death, as opposed to cruel "flushing" and "freezing" which are less painful for the hobbyist. This method is commonly used and when you DO think about it, it is the most instantaneous way to kill something painlessly. Happens so fast they will not feel anything. Perhaps not many people have been in this situation. Sometimes what is hard for the owner is still much better for the animal.
Hopefully the thread will get back on topic.

al mc

Active Member
I have had a blue spotted jaw for about a year. I see him all the time.
Unfortunately I am technologically inept or I would post a picture.
He is probably my favorite fish because of his color and personality.