Anyone have a Port Jackson shark?


Tell me about it, what you feed and how often, how big, and tank setup. I'm looking for setup ideas for my baby PJ. Thanks


Port Jacksons are one of the Hornsharks and they grow to about 4' long.
This family has teeth and jaws adapted for crushing molluscs and should do well if you make his/her (easily told by the claspers on males) basic diet shrimp and squid, cheaper and easiest to obtain at either bait or grocery stores, depending on your location.


New Member
I have a Port Jackson Shark in my 500gal tank. He is about 12" long and is very doscile.. I have him with 2 nurse sharks that push him around like he is there little brother or something.. I hand feed him Frozen Calamari and Sand eels. He is very active and very fun to watch.. I will get some pics of him and post them today..


AC, I feed my horn squid, scallops, and shrimp, or any other fresh sea food thats on sale. All from King Soopers:D


Thanks Novice, right now he eats shark formula, but my epaullette has been eating silversides. Right now silversides are almost impossible to get in Denver, so I may have to pay the super market a visit.


Active Member
Nice shark. Are you using a chiller? What size tank is it in? Also, you may want to watch that cc substrate, I don't know about Port Jacksons, but it will scratch up the bellies of bamboos, epaulettes, coral cats, etc. Bo


I don't use a chiller I haven't had much trouble with temp. The shark is actually in a quarantine tank right now awaiting his move to his new home(350 gallon tank). The substrate is actually fiji sand not cc. It looks rough in the picture but it's really fine sand. The shark is only 8 inches long and I'm currently working to set up his new home. I've got a few logistics to overcome. The first of which I need to move some more power to my basement. My other four tanks have used up all of the power.


The LFS I got it from had a lunar wrasse with it. I didn't buy it that day, but when I came home from work the next day my wife had gone and bought it as a suprise. Its pretty wild they lay against each other all of the time. I really don't know that much about the wrasse, but my wife thought it was pretty and that the shark missed its buddy. So now I just deal with it. LOL