Anyone have a yellow Wrasse?


I got a yellow Wrasse yesterday and acclimated him for about 1 1/2 hrs. He is good size about 2 1/2 inches and looks good. However I can not find him :notsure: I have not seen him since the minute I put him in. All other fish are fine and insight....but he can not be found. The tank is a 65gl with 70 lbs LR. I hear that they will bury themselves....but for how long will they do that. All levels are fine in the tank. Ph is a little low at 7.9 and the Alk is high at 6.0 standard. I have had my windows open in the house for 3 days to try to correct this and did a 15% water change yesterday. I am just not really sure what to do. I dont want to have to start obsessing over amonia tests. :help: Anyone have any suggestions I would really appreciate it.


Hey crzyfshygy
yeah they will bury themselves he should come out when he feels it is safe look for him at night.


Active Member
yeah wrasses like to burry themself sometimes.. or hide in rock a lot... but i do have 1 BIG Q?? do u have a top/lid for your tank??? cuzz they are jumpers... i dont think my lil 4'' tusk would jump.. but he did.. and then he ended up about 7' away from the tank...
... so get a lid/top.. if u dont have 1.. and cheack the floor..


New Member
I've got a yellow coris and he comes out to feed in the mornings and is very playful but he's gone by lunchtime every day


He's probably buried.
Take a flashlight and look at the bottom of your tank and see if you can see him in the glass. That's where my black Leopard Wrasse goes when i can't find him.
All I see of him against the glass is part of his tail.


I have a flasher wrasse that hid for almost a week. He started coming out a little at a time, and now he puts on great displays and is one of the most active fish in my tank. Just on a side note, when my three-stripe went crazy and started bullying, the wrasse went into hiding again, but the very day I took the three-stripe out, the wrasse came right back out. Maybe they are nervous? Ha, ha.


Originally Posted by Mombostic
I have a flasher wrasse that hid for almost a week. He started coming out a little at a time, and now he puts on great displays and is one of the most active fish in my tank. Just on a side note, when my three-stripe went crazy and started bullying, the wrasse went into hiding again, but the very day I took the three-stripe out, the wrasse came right back out. Maybe they are nervous? Ha, ha. 6-line kept kicking the yellow wrasses as-..I have been trying to remove the 6 line for a week and no luck. He is the first fish my homemade traps have not worked on. I had to let the yellow one go because he would have ended up dead.