Anyone have an opinion on sunpod lights?


So I have a 29 gallon tank that I am making into a reef aquarium that unfortunately has dimensions of 30"x12"x18" (hard to find good lighting that will fit it)... I am looking to find some lighting for under 400 ish dollars that will sustain anything I should desire to throw in there... I am considering:
SunPod HQI Metal Halide Fixtures with Lunar Lights 30"
1x150W MH lamp with 6 LED lunar lights (3 white, 3 blue)
I was hoping someone here has used this item and can give me some info...
1) if this lamp will support a variety of corals/anemone
2) if the 14,000k bulb that this thing sports looks odd or will color my tank in a way that will make my fish/corals appear odd
3) a general opinion of the system itself
Any help is always appreciated... thanks in advance


Active Member
Originally Posted by LazurusKfP
So I have a 29 gallon tank that I am making into a reef aquarium that unfortunately has dimensions of 30"x12"x18" (hard to find good lighting that will fit it)... I am looking to find some lighting for under 400 ish dollars that will sustain anything I should desire to throw in there... I am considering:
SunPod HQI Metal Halide Fixtures with Lunar Lights 30"
1x150W MH lamp with 6 LED lunar lights (3 white, 3 blue)
I was hoping someone here has used this item and can give me some info...
1) if this lamp will support a variety of corals/anemone
2) if the 14,000k bulb that this thing sports looks odd or will color my tank in a way that will make my fish/corals appear odd
3) a general opinion of the system itself
Any help is always appreciated... thanks in advance
This is a great unit. I have the 36"(2x150w). I am plenty happy with it. The color of the 14k bulbs are perfect. Just what i was looking for. It will not make anything look odd. It will bring out colors you never thought were in there.


Active Member
Yep me too. I have the 36" 2x150w 14K with 18 moonlights on my 65 gal. and I love it.
Beautiful colors and solid light.