Anyone have an...


...Australian Shepherd?!? :joy: I've been wanting a dog, and right now these are on the top of my list. Pictures and some tips on care would also be nice.


Active Member
yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Spartan78
Thanks! I got to go to bed though, swim meet tomorrow.

u swim!? me 2 how old are u


Active Member
Trey, you have an aussi? What do you do to keep him/her occupied? Do you two compete together?
Spartan, I'm sure Trey is familiar with this, but just wanted to let u know - Aussies are AWESOME dogs...but they're BRED to work. If they don't have an outlet for their engery....they work on your furniture.
There's an Aussie rescue shelter in my community...people buy them for their great personalities but end up just not having the time/space/patience/resources to give them the intensive excersise they need.
Just a heads up - we all want great pets, but we've got to make sure we can do right by them before we bring them home!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Trey, you have an aussi? What do you do to keep him/her occupied? Do you two compete together?
Spartan, I'm sure Trey is familiar with this, but just wanted to let u know - Aussies are AWESOME dogs...but they're BRED to work. If they don't have an outlet for their engery....they work on your furniture.
There's an Aussie rescue shelter in my community...people buy them for their great personalities but end up just not having the time/space/patience/resources to give them the intensive excersise they need.
Just a heads up - we all want great pets, but we've got to make sure we can do right by them before we bring them home!
i agree with you mimzy but i am one of 3 kids and we keep her occupied... there are also alot of dogs in our nwighborhood and kids that she plays with.... at time u will think the dog ate a couple pounds of sugar and caffeinee... and other times when they dont wanna be bothered and just sleep (rarely! lol)
but all in all they are very loving, fun, smart, and devoted dogs that almost absolutely need a big yard or if u dont have a big yard.. a couple of walks a day... ( o and she has never met a person she doesnt like! :cheer: )
we will have had "Haley" for one year on christmas of this year....
brace urself now cuz i got lots of pics! :hilarious


Active Member
as u can see... we dont have the normal colorartion of an aussi.... but imo i like hers better^^^
o and u gotta brush em alot.... not that they shed but if u dont brush... there hair gets knotty


Active Member
i have lots more but this will be all

she sleeps like this sometimes!!!
u cant really see it but she has a C on her ches t made of white fur... we thought it was pretty cool u kno C= christmas


Active Member
Originally Posted by DevilDog01
That looks like a very uncomfortable way to sleep! But whatever blows its hair back?!?! She adorable though!!!
i know... i mean how could she fall asleep like that....
:thinking: :hilarious


IDK...but our lab/rottie does that all the time too. I cant figure out why-that position looks like it hurts very badly! At least my dog sleeps normal-except she snores when she sleeps.


Aussies are wonderful!!!!!!!!! I have 4 of them. Been breeding and raising them for over 12 years!!!!!!! Currently have 1 red bi female, 1 black bi male, 1 blue merle female, and 1 tri male. Mimzy is right on the mark. These dogs are bred to work livestock. If they do not have a job they will create one of their own. They are great with kids, but sometimes they will try to herd them. Be sure to socialize these dogs when they are young. Keep it busy. Lots of play. Will play fetch until YOU wear out. I LOVE this breed! And if given enough excersise, can be kept anywhere. Have had my puppies living on farms and in apartments in the city. They adjust very well. And you can teach them ANYTHING!!!!!! Very bright. IMO an aussie is the perfect choice. But of course I am very biased!!!!

darth tang

Active Member
From a groomers aspect you should get them groomed every eight weeks.....every 3 months minimum. Your looking at 35-50 dollars each time...pending how often they get groomed.


Originally Posted by treybomb
spartan... are u there?
lol, yeah, just got back from my second day at the swim meet (about one hour drive) and i'm acclimating a pair of clowns. Thanks for all the info and tips! Also, thats an awsome aussie you have Trey!