Anyone have experiance with these fish


Active Member
Creol Wrasse - Clepticus parrae
Clown wrasse-Halichoeres maculipinn
Puddingwife Wrasse - Halichoeres radiatus
Already have a yellow coris wrasse -- Would any of these be compatible
Also does anyone have or seen these
Harlequin Bass ( Serranus tigrinus ) or
Tabacco Bass ( Serranus tabacarius )
Lantern Bass ( Serranus baldwini )
Saddle Blenny ( Malacoctenus triangulatus )
My stock list is
pair of OC clowns
royal gramma
scopas tang
pygmy angel
eng goby
dragon goby
pj cardinal
Mandrin goby
Yellow coris wrasse
This is a 150 gal tank


Active Member
well never mind the Basses, they wont go with my royal gramma.
What about this one
blue tang ( Acanthurus coeruleus ) yellow as juvi


Active Member
Those two tangs are pretty close in shape, they might be a little caution able. But you got a pretty large tank, so that might not be that big of a deal.


Active Member
What's with all the Altantic fish?
I would love to find some Creol Wrasses. They aren't for the timid fish keeper. They have a pretty dismal track record. A few problems (omitting you receive healthy species), they are a schooling fish, so they do better in groups. Unfortunately because of the size they typically reach, over a foot, that's quite the bioload. They also are reluctant to feed, and are a slightly timid fish.
I wouldn't necessarily say just because of the Gramma, the basses are out. Honestly with a proper introduction, in that size of tank, I'd think they'd be okay. Though I would definitely steer clear of the Harlequin, and maybe the Tobacco. The Harlequin gets large and pretty aggressive. I could see a Lantern and Gramma in the same 150gal, no problems.
Either of the two wrasses should just along fine. I would prefer the Clown (its Halichoeres maculipinna
, in case you're not find a ton on it).
A. Coeruleus
are some of the hardiest tang. They stay reasonably sized for tangs, a good choice. I think your tank is enough for those two.
Oh and PM inbound

shrimpy brains

Hey T, Are you looking for color or what? I recently was looking for something to finish out my stocl of my 125g. I ended up adding 2 Chalk Basslets. They only get about 3 inches, but have lots of personality. They are very hardy and since I added them to my tank, all my other fish are out front and center with them. Don't know why, but I am very pleased with the addition. Just a thought.
Also, Midas Blenny is awesome, but they jump!


The only experience I have is diving with a 20" puddingwife wrasse in cozumel that was feasting on brittle stars, big crabs, huge bristleworms and whatever else happen to be under the rocks I was flipping over on the bottom of the sea. Huge fish that would be extremly destructive in a aquarium. They are really cool looking as adults though.


Active Member
So thinking about the clown wrasse, the blue tang and maybe the lantern bass.
Hummm need to save some money