anyone have experience keeping sharks and fish together?

I've had a bamboo shark (now about 15") in my 420 folr for about a year and a half now.
No problems whatsoever.
All of a sudden, over the last couple of weeks, I've lost 3 smallish fish (royal gramma, fridiami pseudochromis, and a spotted sweelips) without a trace.
The shark is the only real suspect.
Has it suddenly developed a taste for fish, or do I need to up my feeding of it?
any help from people with experience would be appreciated.
:help: :happyfish


Active Member
What are your other fish or inhabitants??? It is an odd combination of things, IMO.
FWIW, however, the spotted sweetlips does not have a particularly good survival record in long had you had it? Do you have any overflows? Did you find any bodies at all, and sign???
How often do you feed the shark, and what do you feed?


I got my epaullette with a cleaner wrasse to put in tank with damsels. The wrasse had disappeared the first night and each night after that something would disappear. Like most aggressives, sharks probably should not be kept with other fish that can fit in their mouths. I know that in my tank, anything in the basslet family would be eaten.
Originally Posted by ophiura
What are your other fish or inhabitants??? It is an odd combination of things, IMO.
Moorish Idol, Tangs (powder blue, sohal, sailfin), angels(Juv queen, imperator,flagfin, personifer),flame hawk, harlequin tusk, 3 chromis, 1 blue damsel, longnose filefish
FWIW, however, the spotted sweetlips does not have a particularly good survival record in long had you had it?
about 3 months. eating great. no sign of trouble. came back from vacation, gone.
Do you have any overflows?
not accessible from the tank.
Did you find any bodies at all, and sign???
none at all. When I lost the royal gramma a couple of weeks ago, I found it's head in the tank when I awoke in the morning.
How often do you feed the shark, and what do you feed?
It get's fed every other day. Primarily krill, scallops and squid, soaked in garlic and selcon or zoecon. Typical feeding would be 4-5 scallops or big pieces of squid.
Originally Posted by jcrim
Like most aggressives, sharks probably should not be kept with other fish that can fit in their mouths.

I wouldn't have thought the sweetlips (prob 4") would fit.


Originally Posted by MichaelStern
I wouldn't have thought the sweetlips (prob 4") would fit.

I agree... keep an eye on the angels (especially the Queen). Got any pics of your tank?? :happyfish :happyfish


Angels have a reputation as nippers as they get larger. The Queen angel I know to be especially aggressive. Such nipping can cause abrasions and infections on a bamboo shark.
I don't know if this is legal or not, but here are some pictures:
{nope, posting to other message boards - as they are sponsored by stores - is consider a link violation, sorry}