anyone have experience with this???


I am looking at buying one of the 20lb bags of "live sand" that are available from some of the lfs. These are the sealed bags that look like a regular bag of substrate except they have water inside with the sand. I want to add another 2" of substrate to make sure I am at least at 4" for a sand bed.


"Agrasand" or something like that, right? I use that in my tank. Its great. Its like an imitation live sand in that there are bacteria already in the sand. Thats why there is water in the bag. The stuff is great and I highly recommend it. I think I paid about $25.00 per 20# bag.


What i have done with my dsb in my 150g is use 2 bags of the "live" with the water in it and the rest aragonite. some say its good to use play sand but i dont feel safe with that for some reasion. The thing that i like about the live sand is that i feel like it starts the initial cycle faster. i dont know if this is true its just imo


Active Member
This may help you out, I asked the same question on the Fish Discussion board, about adding LS to the sand bed, about two days ago, go there and its under adding LS. HTH. ;)


Active Member
IME, the benefits of AragAlive, and others, is not their beneficial bacteria, most of which has died, but the food that it provides, to other life that will develop. That's what I've been told by one of my LFS managers, that most of the life is gone, but now serves as food.
PS Yes, it greatly kick starts the cycle.