anyone have nassarius and cerith snails?


does anyone have any nassarius or cerith snails i was thinking about getting some with some trochus and two fighting conch im gonna be ordering soon just wanted to know if they do a good cleaning job and all


i have about 10 or 20 nassariuos snails in my tank they are babys right now so so small
they hitch hiked on some of my lr for how big they are i allwayz see them eating thatts all they do they sleep in the day mostly out at night allthou i see mine out about 4 to 5 hrs. out at day they are real good cleaners

richard rendos

Active Member
I have around 20 nassarius snails in my 120. They do a terrific job in the sand. I also have bumble bee snails, and astreas. They patrol different areas of the tank. Nassarius in the sand, bumble bees in the sand/on rock, and astreas pretty much stick to the glass.


i got both of them and others. nassarius snails are also good at eating dead things. so if something dies and you cant get to it. they will eat it. also i find a cleanup crew isnt complete without some crabs. i also got sallylightfoots and emerals in my tank along with a few hermits. nassarius are more active at night. i also find cerith do do a good job of cleaning. get a good selection and the tank will be cleaned good. mine is


ive gor 3 trochus and 4 scarlet hermits and a green brittle right now and i plan on ordering two skunk cleaner shrimp, 3 peperment shrimp, 8 more trochus,8 nassarius,8 cerith, a sally light foot and 3 more scarlet hermits ive havent heard any pproblems with the bumble bee snails besides one source so they might have just been misinformed so i might cut down 1 or 2 of the other snails and get a few bumble bees


i have nassarious snails great scavengers. they clean up extra food on the bottom and will clean up anything that dies. i had a snail die in no time there were 4 on top of it and they cleaned it out within a day


i have cirites snail
well, I have not seen them in action yet but them temp to climp out of the tank alot
some how they are looking for a higher area ???


in my clean up crew (not from swf) 7 of 10 of my cerith snails died in first week. all others nassarirus sp? turbos astreas and peppermint shrimp all lived. do they not ship well or did i get a bad batch?