hey all looking to get a 210 gallon...are these tanks to deep for the T5's to reach the bottom? i would like to do clams and brains etc at the bottom..will it do more then keep them alive i should say because a MH setup is available cheaper to me then a new T5 setup. energy is a concern to the wife but i dont care all that much. if i get a 12 bulb individual reflector vs metal halide setup the MH puts out more watts but will the T5 be worth it in the long run ? i see some retros and complete light kits on ---- for like 650-700? i would assume they cant be to bad for that price. i do not need the absolute BEST just something that will do the job for me..i am not into fragging at all.."yet?" but i need decent lights. i am looking at a set on ---- for $700..it is a 12x80 T5 setup. has all individual reflectors and what not..any suggestions?