anyone hear of an undulated trigger?


New Member
I have read that this fish should be kept in a tank all by itself. It will even go after your hand when in the tank. Nasty!!!!


Yes, i kept this species. It was around 4" and very aggressive it could match the aggressive natural of my rhom(piranha). I had to move the triger to its own tank because it attack a large lionfish it was in with. It was also i huge pig it at alot. Also it wasnt very pricky about what it got, feeder fish,crabs,anything it ate it.


Yes these are mean fish, but they don't do it for mean spirit, they do it for territory. They are extremely aggressive(even for triggers) and if any fish comes in his tank (his territory) he will defend it, he won't let another fish come in and take it over. I have 2 friends that have these triggers in small tanks with other fish.


i have one of these guys,he is in a tank with a 13 inch snowflake eel they are like best buds intill feeding time.