Anyone heard of Moon Lighting?


Ive seen this lighting they call Moon lighting. You are suppose to run it after you lights are off. Anyone heard of this? Sounds pretty cool, but not sure if its worth it.


You don't need anything fancy, just mount a 25watt soft light in your hood and time it to come on after the main lights go off ... presto moon LOL


Active Member
I've seen it. I almost got one, then a shark suggested getting a small clip-on lamp and running a $1.99 colored party bulb. I've used red and blue. It's really cool and you can see some of the night life going on. If you decide to drop the bucks on the moon light, let us know of your results. I'm sure it looks cool, but is there any real benefit to the reef because of it? I'd like to know.


Active Member
I love using a red light on my tank after dark. All of the little reef critters can't see the red wavelength and think that it's dark, but you can see them scurrying thoughtout the tank. It's amazing what you see crawling aroud in there.


Active Member
I have a Moonbeam it from Northcoast Marines.
I've had it for months, and love it...these clip on lights (homebuilt) do not shine with the intensity of this light. This is a bright, shimmering blue light, and looks awesome shining in the tank.
It isn't cheap, but IMO, it's worth it if you have the money.

nm reef

Active Member
High tech VS low tech.......but either will work.
I use a single red bulb kind of like a christamas tree light. I removed it from a party lamp my daughter had. Its clipped to the inside of my canopy and comes on after lights out. Gives off a kewl red shimmer of light...just enough to see some night life. But you could pay big bucks for a fancy/complicated version of the same thing....if ya wanna.
I don't think the light either helps or hurts the reef...but the late night view is kewl.:cool:


Active Member
th only thing that this could possibly do to a reef tank, and youd have to be very anal to do something like this, but if you had a programmable timer, you could program the moon lights to follow the course of the moon cycle and this could possibly stimulate your captive corals to spawn, as this is what happens in the reef. the different moon phases stimulate differnt corals to release eggs and sperm, sometimes in a package together, so really the 9only thing that could happen would be a natural spawning of your corals, but again, youd have to get info about different lunar phases on differnet reefs, make an average of all the data(as we really dont know exactly where many of out animals came from) and then program this into a timer to control the intensity of the lights it was controlling! definately would be interesting though!
good luck


Active Member
i dont think moon phases have any thing to do with the amount of light the ocean recieves in relation to spawning- instead i think it is the force of the gravational pull and the tide that has a greater influence of egg and sperm release-


Active Member
scientists arent really sure now either though, i am just saying that your chances of havign your corals naturally spawn in a tank, as some aquarists have had happen increases if you try to replicate the correct moon phases

reef fool

Active Member
Funny that this topic comes up. Was ordering some stuff from northcoast Marine and saw the moonbeam light. Hadta havit!!! Hell, what's another $70 when you're already over budget!!! Will let you all know how it works out.


Active Member
tell me about it, yesterday i came home from the lfs with a bicolor blenny and a flor fight conch, but luckill i had credit and the owner let me have them as an even trade, and the good news is that i have a job there startign next week!


Active Member
I love my moonbeams I mounted 2 of them inside my canopy:eek:
here is a pic best I could do its a little dark but looks real cool in person :)


Active Member
Hi all,
Well I just went down to wally world last week and picked up some Hi Lite's. They are LEDs just like moonbeams, but you get a package that comes with two LED's and the transitor can handle up to 5 can get additional lights for 8 bucks. These are the same as moonbeams but ALOT cheaper at only 25 bucks for the whole package ( including 2 lights ) Also, they already come in a saltwater safe housing so you don't have to worry if they fall into the water etc.
One other thing, being they are point source you the shimmer and the blue ones also make the corals glow just like actinics.
A great deal and much much much cheaper than those moonbeams.
You can always make your own for around 5 bucks with radio shack parts. Just need a transitior, LED and 6 volt converter.