anyone heard of these?


New Member
I have noticed what look like small maggots(only skinny) swimming in my tank. They are very fast and pretty small but you can clearly see them. The biggest is maby a quarter inch or so. Probably harmless but I am wondering if they will turn into something. Maby a larva stage. I had a callico crab hatch thousands of eggs about 2 months ago but I do not think they are those. I have seen the smaller larva stage of them. These look like segmented white worms like you would get at a bait store but a little skinnier. lots of live rock and sand, possible hitchikers. I only have a few fish and a couple stars in the tank so I doubt they are babies. Anyone Know????? Thanks. There are at least 5 or more of these.


Possibly the larval stage of a bristle worm, look up Epitoke.