i have not personaly used thatexact one, but if you want good advice,
DO NOT CONSIDER ANY SHORT CUTS IN THIS HOBBY, almost all of them will bite you, and if they don't, they won't be much help, not to the point of being worth the money you spent, a natural cycle is the best and most stable way to do a marine aquarium,
believe me when i say
IMO, i would not spend the money, your lfs may reccomend it, but i have experienced lfs's that seem to know what they are talking about, but know nothing more than how to sell their products
which has cost many of us hundred$ in fish and worthless gear, not all are this way, but many are just in it for the buck,and as i said they know how to sell their products, and make them sound good, if you would like a good test, ask them a question, and i will bet it results in the sale of a product, then pick up the product(or a pamphlet of it) and read it i will almost bet that their words are nearly identia, to what you have read, a small percentage of lfs's will prove me wrong
my advice is to forget thsi product and do it naturally