anyone here from MI


New Member
So besides Aquatic discoveries, where are some really nice LFS? I bumped into Aquatics webpage while surfing the net, and WOW I cannot wait to go and see what they have.


New Member
theres alot more people that live in MI, that are on this board than I thought.
Since I move every 3 months between school and work, I was thinking of something very small. I want a 5 gallon with like 2 lbs LR, some LS and a damsel.
It could work, look sweet too.


Active Member
ya ocean and seas are good too,but their fish tanks are ich central !... but corals for sale are always very nice and priced pretty good


I just ordered from them yesterday, I should recieve my order tomorrow. I ordered 45 lbs pf their live rock! Sorry, if I would of known I would of let you in on the order.....


New Member
Im going to go check out Aquatic Discoveries Sat. I feel that this is the best one for starter stuff.
Do they know what they are talking about or will I have to play dumb and see if he answers my questions correctly.
I guess the question is can I trust them?


where is A2?
I'm not impressed with ffexpress's live rock.
1) 45 lbl is the total package weight not the rock(including wet news paper, styro box, shipping box etc)
2) Their rock is not cured
3) Lots of rubble
I recieved 3 boxes from them last week to stock my 300G tank. I was not very happy with the order.
Everyone may have a different order and stock. Hey, but that is what I got.
I also ordered 100 lbl liverock from DrFoster few days later. I am very please with them. The boxes are actually weight 54.7 lb and 53.8 lb. I have my 100 lbl of rock.
You can tell where do I go and place my next order :)
It's just my experience


Active Member
Another atore that is yet to be mentioned is Fish Doctors. One in ypislanti is pretty cool. Their display tanks are what got me hooked, and they are very honest people there. if you go, talk to matt. He spent about two hours talking to me the first time i went there and never once tried to sell me something. He just explained to me all the basics of what keeping a reef entails. I highly reccomend their store. they also have a location in canton that is not nearly as nice. Less stock, higher prices, and the staff aint so great. One guy tried to tell me that having 4 inches of sand on the bottom of my tank was a huge mistake!! oh well. the ypsi store is good though.


Howell, MI checking in here. I like to order from ***********.com. (Dr Foster & SMith site) I have never had a problem with them. I am going to support this site too by ordering from it very soon. I will post on my findings.
And yes, GO MICHIGAN! I better be careful, I am pretty close to Spartan stadium...