ANyone in canada that would be willing to sell some corals ? I live in mississauga ontario.
logen32 Member Mar 1, 2005 #1 ANyone in canada that would be willing to sell some corals ? I live in mississauga ontario.
sonofkrono Member Mar 7, 2005 #2 i live in hamilton. what have you got to trade. i have orange finger coral and about 50 green polyps
logen32 Member Mar 7, 2005 #3 i dont have much right now. I started a 10 gallon nano and right now i have a frawspawn, galaxia, and green star polyp. how much would you be willing to sell the ornge finger coral. and how big is it. Thank you
i dont have much right now. I started a 10 gallon nano and right now i have a frawspawn, galaxia, and green star polyp. how much would you be willing to sell the ornge finger coral. and how big is it. Thank you