Anyone In Connecticut


Hey im getting rid of some fish and 4 pounds of live rock if someone wants it.
I have 2 tomato clowns, 1 lawnmower blennie, 2 damsel (a blue and white/black striped) my LR is very pretty. I'm even giving away the food and a clam.
Anyone want it imw illing to give it away.
Im moving and we cannot deal with taking care of the fish. We have Freshwater which is simple to maintain so we had to give up one or the other, although ID love to keep my fish, my fiance love shis more!
1- Lawnmower blennie
2- Tom. Clowns
2- Damsels
1- Clam
2- LR (about 3-4 pounds)
Food- pellets, flake and Dried Brine along with White Snow for clam is my email!


if someone doesnt take it, i can prob ship them. Ill take a pic tonight and post... Its only 3-4 pounds... I paid 20 dollars for it. If you want to pay shipping ill just mail it toyou


Active Member
i live in north granby and am almost ready with my 75 gallon tank. what's your time frame?