im interested in what you guys have to trade... right now i have ricordeas... a red shroom that drifted off his rock, white star polyps, and yellow colonial polyps
I have red, green stripe ,blue,purple mushrooms, xenia, pink zoos,monti cap, finger leather, trumpet coral, frogspawn, hammer coral. I am interested in ricordia and the white stars. email me at
hi there doing great, the xenia when i moved it split and i now have 4 stalks. the frogspawn is swaying away in the water. i went sening the other day and got 2 gars. they look so neat in the tank.
Sorry it took so long to post reply a little busy with baby duty(or dootie)I live in red bank,I am looking for pom pom xenia if you have,let me know if you are interested in some torch heads
im interested in the torch heads, may i see pics? i have zoos, monti caps, acro, colt, toadstool leather, white star polyps, yellow polyps, candy cane coral!
I'll email them to you just leave your address,I tried to upload a pic and this message board said the file was too big(it has to be less than 500mg pix or e-mail me.I just traded a piece with Bonebrake on this site last week,he seemed pleased