Anyone In Va, Close To Fairfax?



Whatcha looking for? I am in Front Royal but work in Manassas.


Active Member
I'm in Woodbridge and have mushrooms coming out of my ears. Red pimple, reddish-orange ones and a few flourescent green stripped ones. Don't know the names on any of them. They are dropping off of the main colony daily to start a new colony, I have them in one area on the sand bed, so easy to get out.


Active Member
Sorry it took so long to reply. What do you have to frag out, or would want to trade? My lighting is not metal halides, but I have very good PC lighting. I mostly have LPS coral and softies. I have many mushrooms, most are not attached, except to sand, so would be easy to attach to rock.
For the right trade, I may be interested in trading the colony, and keeping the loose ones to start another. I can get photo's if still interested.