Anyone interested in an older computer cheap?



I have a couple computers left over from when i worked in a repair shop. they are just taking up space. I'd like to get rid of them as soon as possible.
1- 400MHZ, 192MB RAM, 6GB HD, network card, 15" monitor. $45
2- IBM 300PL: 500 MHZ, 128 MB RAM, 13.5 GB HD, 17" monitor. $55
3- IBM 300PL: 667 MHZ, 128 MB RAM, 3GB HD, 17" monitor. $60
4- AMD Athlon XP 2400, 512MB DDR RAM, 128MB video, 80GB HD, newtwork card, CDRW/DVD, 19" monitor. $250 O.B.O.
Email me at if interested


Active Member
It makes me sick to think what I paid for my first computer, brand spanking new, and also for what I paid for a used faster one a few years later.......I still have my bill of sale for a Sperry PC400 8087 1 floppy drive 12" amber colored monitor, 4mb hard drive and a 9 pin dot matrix printer......$4,200 plus sales tax.....still have it and it works like a champ........
I had aquired a few PC over time and went to donate them and they basically refused them unless they were within a year or so latest technology.......They even refused a Gateway Tower system which was loaded to the gills with it being a Dual Pentium Pro 200 with scsi devices, burner, cd player and a heap of SCSI as well as EIDE hard drives fantastic video and maxed out in RAM, and a aheap of other stuff.