anyone kept henniochus?


New Member
I just purchased 3 henniochus for my 72 gal. I have noticed that they are picking at my LR, and tantalizing my hermits and featherdusters. Is this to be expected? I read that they are reef safe, in most cases. It would be my luck to be one of the other cases! What did anyone find that they like to eat? I have frozen brine and flakes, but I want to give them a variety. By the way, they are very graceful and beautiful to watch. Any input would be appreciated! Thanx!:)


Active Member
Pretty much the same as most butterfly's. Some will eat polyps, some won't. Supposodly the schooling bannerfish are reef safe while the long finned heni is not. It's hard to differentiate between the two.
Good luck with yours. I think they look great. They just have me uneasy in a reef environment. I'd go for it in a FOWLR though.