anyone know a good shark distributor????


mr hanky

i was hopeing you might know of a good place to get sharks!! i posted just before the change and now i dont see it so i'm just asking again. looking for a chain shark or a freycinets. fishboy?! you also told me you knew of a person in ny that comes by sharks alot, i would be willing to pay for shipping and their trouble if they can help me out!!!!!!!!!! :cool: <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> :)

mr hanky

chrisfish, can you get me a number to this store i would like to speak w/ them!!!!!!!!! or email address. or if you feel really froggy can you see if they have or can get the above mentioned species.!! thanks for your help!! mr hanky

mr hanky

chrisfish, the chain shark is a species of cat shark it is white(cream) in color w/ what looks like (chain link fence) pattern of black stripeing across whole body. only get around 30" i think. maybe a colder water species.
this is the info i need to find out!!!! dont know jack about this species!! mr hanky


yes i am friend with chris fish the store name is animal kingdom located on the corner of richmond avenue and amboy road in staten island new york. Call information-411