Anyone know a good way to pi$$ a peppermint shrimp off ???

The little b@$t@rd really iritated me this morning !!! One of my Sallys molted and got a little to close to the intake of the powerhead and got beat up (to the point he passed to the big aquarium in the sky). I started fishing him out and as I was about to grab him, a peppermint came out of nowhere, grabbed him and ran off !!!
I went home at lunch to find 2 legs and what looks like his "skull cap". The shrimp was about 2/3 the size of the crab. I guess he was thinking "all-you-can-eat" but the little thing really iritated me.
And, just for the record, in the last month, I have had 3 emeralds and 3 Sallys molt. Molting doesn't add to ammonia levels,....does it ? I did notice 1 of my serpent stars has a VERY interesting looking disc !!! I figured he must have gotten hold of a "skin".


Active Member
the sally got sucked up....
joys of having a clean up crew :) when my clown died due to umm heat exhaustion.. and was sucked up in powerhead... by the time i turned it off, cam around to the tank to pull it out . my clean up crew was chowing it down... pretty efficent :)