Anyone know about Dottyback babies?


Hello all, I couldn't see my male sunrise dottyback out and about at feeding time like he usually is today and found him deep within his cave with a large cluster of eggs. I can't really get a pic and can barely see them with some creative positioning of my head and a flashlight. His cave entrance is right next to the glass and it kind of twists within the piece of rock. Anyway I was wondering if anyone had ever successfully raised sunrise dottyback fry in their home. I know it can be done since the two I have are aquacultured fish. I know I probably won't be able to raise this batch, but I want to try and be ready for the next one. I was so exited when I saw them, it was the first time I had seen any of my fish actually have eggs.


Active Member
Hmm..Bang Guy is the only one I know of on this board who has successfully raised fry{clownfish and banggais I believe} Do a search on's not easy.Good Luck!:)


In my book, Basslets, Dottybacks & Hawkfishes, it says they have a 6 day incubation period will breed as often as every two weeks and the fry need to be raised on rotifers. Does anyone have any information on how to go about culturing rotifers? I am guessing brine shrimp nauplii are too big for these dottyback fry. I will probably have to just let this batch be eaten by my other fish and hope I can have something ready by the time they breed agian. If they breed agian.


As stated above, Bang Guy has written a description of how he raised some clownfish. It discusses rotifers in detail...find this thread and it will help you immensly