Anyone know of a reef safe angel?


I would really like to have an angel in my tank but i plan on going to a full reef and I have a tendancy to fall in love with my fish, so to speak, and I would hate to have to get rid of someone. I would like to have a dwarf angel because of their size. Its a 75 gallon tank and all I have are 3 inch and smaller fish which you cant really see from across the room. any suggestions would be great. thanks


Active Member
There aren't too many angels that are reef safe, I think the flame angel is reef safe. Somtimes though it may occasionally nip at corals but not as bad as other angels.


The only two i can think of that don't a threat to corals or clams are the Watanabe's angel (but it's not exceptionally's not a 50/50 will either die within a week or live for quite a while...which I personally prefer)'s also a very pretty fish...gets about 5.5 inches long. Supposedly, if you adapt it in dim lighting, the chances for it living go up about 50% they're not as likely to stress if you keep the light pretty dim.
Then there is the Lamarck's angel. (gets a bit bigger...around 9 inches)...a bit more aggressive than the watanabes...but a *lot* more hearty. On a life scale of one to five, I'd say the Lamarcks is a 4.5 and the watanabe's is about a 2.5. the only problem with this fish that I can see is that it harrasses planktivores, such as firefish...and I think you were asking about them? Or maybe I'm mixed up :D It happens!


The flame angel, like a lot of the dwarf species aren't as likely to nip at polyped corals...but they may. I'm pretty sure that all dwarf angels do. Either stony or soft polyps...some of them get both lol

mr hanky

stay away from dwarf(centropyge......)angels they may not pick and nip, but mine did!!! bad situation if you like your coral/wallet as well!! mr hanky hth


The genicanthus angels (several different species are available, most are relatively uncommon and hard to find) are planktonic feeders and are generally reef safe. Some people have success with various dwarf angels but it is hit and miss.


Active Member
One of the guys i know keeps big Emperor angel in a reef full of stony and soft corals without any problems. The prefered meal for this kind of angels are sponges. I heard of people, that keep Pigoplites Diacanthus angel (i think i spell it right) as well.


My flame angel ignores the corals and likes to pick at the algae on tanks walls and coralline a little, otherwise he's great.