anyone know what this is on my fish?


ive used chem-marin for 5 days now, theres no changes :notsure: .. i did a freshwater dip early this morning.. ever since then hes hiding behind the rock resting his belly in the sand.. i can berly see him through my rock work.. hes been back there most of the day?.. i do see his lil mouth still moving so hes still alive... can anyone please help me?
ps i checked my water and its perfect :thinking:


Active Member
I'm not a professional by any means, but isn't that ich?
Best of luck with that.
Lisa :happyfish


Was the Chem-Marine a copper based product? You need to get the fish out of your main tank and treat him in a QT. You never want to use copper in your display tank, it will absorb in you live rock and it's almost impossible to get rid of. It will also kill any inverts in the tank.


Active Member
That is a serious case and the fish needs to be removed to a QT tank immediately for a proven treatment (eg hyposalinity or copper).
Chem Marin is not a guaranteed treatment and doesn't seem to have done much. Freshwater dips can seriously stress out already stressed out fish. At the very least start soaking foods in garlic. There is another sticky on top of the disease forum and Beth has posted several things on treating Ick (there is also something by TerryB in the Archives).
What is the stress in the tank? Young tank? Was the fish in QT for any period? What are you feeding it? Have you checked for stray voltage? Positive that your alkalinity, pH is all stable?


wow that is a pretty serious case of Ich. If he has not succumbed by the time you get this reply, I would be willing to bet that he will very soon.
Very sorry to see a Naso go out like that.
I think you should focus on how to rid the tank, and protect the rest of the fish at this point.
Like ophoria, I would like to know the Tank Parameters, and History in order to better help you figure out the why and how to fix the problem.
Sorry for your loss.


Active Member
Yeah, I thought that too, but didn't say it.
Hopefully Miami, you'll get some valuable advice on what you need to do here. He looks like an awesome fish!!!
Best of luck *fingers crossed for you*
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
how big of a tank is he in? That looks like a good sized naso from the pic.... he just might be stressed form being kept in a small tank.


Originally Posted by mantis81
Don't say that Jedi!!!
Give the little guy a chance!!!
Just being honest. seen alot of Ich in my day and that guy looks real bad, and by his description of the fish's behavior......
That fish is doomed, and is suffering.
I have not seen a response from the thread starter, But i am waiting to hear about his set up, and maturity, of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Looks like velvet disease to me.... or VERY bad ich.
Its crossed my mind too...I will be the first to admit to not being the very best with some of these. I think copper in a QT tank would work for both though. But it might be quite late for that. :( Has it been breathing really heavy?


Active Member
HOLY ICH!! Sorry buddy but as others said, im guessing hes a gonner. I had a severe ich problem in my tank so i bought a UV steralizer, (after trying like 20 different liquid things) i know UVs are known to kill the good and the bad, but it cured my ich in about a week, now I only turn it on when I need it.