Anyone Know What this is on my Live Rock


New Member
This is a 12 pound piece of Tongan Live Rock, over the last couple of weeks these white spots/curls have been spreading more and more. I am new to this so i dont know if this is a good or bad thing. Any ideas or help would be very appreciated. They seem to be moving from the bottom towards the top of the rock. The top of the rock is where I have most my tube worms that are getting nice big crowns.
35 g Hex
50/50 power compact
Penguin 170 Bio Wheel
2 Rio 90 Power Heads
Clarki Clown
Tomato Clown
PJ Cardinal
Hermit Crab
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Condi Anemone
Yellow Tail Damsel
12 lbs Tonga Live Rock
20 lbs base rock


New Member
so when i start adding corals should they just be placed around the rock or just how to place? Also would a lettuce nudibranch be compatible or a good addition for my current setup?


They started groving since i ve brought the LRs, they filter the water, they re good things, i love them