anyone know?


somthing is starting to grow on my LR its kinda purple would it be some kind of coral? its just starting so it maybe hard to tell i have some pics but they arn't that good but here they are.


hard to tell from the pic. if it is on the LR then it's coraline which is good but if it's a slime then you need to get rid of it fast


You're talking about the brown tube-like formations, right...not the red coloration on the rock. Good be some form of coral or maybe feather dusters...?


take the rock out, use a q-tip or something to check if it's slimy or if it's a coraline. if it is slimy then you need to get rid of it asap


Ok, I think they are zoo's that have not opened up yet but I don't have very good lights yet and won't until the end of the year. I just have about 90 to 100 watts of fluorescents on my tank for now, have like one 48" 40 watt and 4 15 watt . I have a few more zoo's that are a diffent kind that have already opened up but all of these are kinda in the shade not right in the light and dont want to move all my rock just for them. Do you think they will make it? kinda cool they all where hitch hikers.:joy:


I agree that they look like zoo stalks. If this is new rock has it been cured? Even if it has, make sure they're not just left over die off from transport. Do you have any fish or corals in this tank that could suffer from pollution if they are dead and decaying? Keep an eye on the ammonia levels.


the rock is cured and has been in my tank for about 4 weeks and i am seeing all kinda stuff pop up, these have came up this week.:D i only have a LMB right now and a few crabs thats it.