anyone knows how to play the guitar??


Active Member
like about.. anyone??? have any tips???..... like how the heck u friggin press some frets that are soo friggin far!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
like about.. anyone??? have any tips???..... like how the heck u friggin press some frets that are soo friggin far!!!!!
Practice, Practice, Practice! Also depends on what type of guitar you are playing. I've played all types in my life but I play classical guitar exclusively now. A good quality guitar properly setup can make fretting strings on a long stretch 1000% easier also.
Make sure you are playing properly also. You should very seldom have to play outside of 4 fret box. You just change position. Now there are some classical pieces that have some outrageous stretches, but most rock and blues guitar is built around power chords and a 4 fret blues box.


Active Member
I use .10's on my acoustic... They are thinner and will hurt newbie fingers, once you get calluses on your fingers they can withstand anything.... I have been playing for about three/four years. It took me awhile before I could really use my fingers well...
Good luck


Active Member
heh.. who said i have soft fingers!!!!!
heh j/k... naw i have decent callus on my fingers.. i always had them... and im into finger picking.. i just like it a lot for some reason... i dont like strumming much...just like to pluck away ... my fingerneails happen to be really thick.. i mean.. i can wash my hands and still play on the guitar right afther is i want!!!!.. the dont bend unless i push really really hard on them to bend!!!but yeah.. i want to some day be able to play classical.. that stuff is crazy hard though... umm brb.. let me grab my 'tabs' of a metalica song and soo if u guyes can tell me what finger and how to position to do it... brb
i think this is the song (i got mad so i just cramed everythign in the bag ..)








hope this came out right... how the heck do i reach that 4!!!! it's friggin far ass hell!!! i can bearly reach it with my pinky... but when i do that.. i let pressure off the others and touch other strings.. so it sound like sh*t when i pluck....
ohh and im not using a clasical guitar.. (no nylon strings.. it''s not mines soo... and pluse ithe metal strings dont do anything to my nails n e ways..)


Active Member
ive about given up on guitar. i cant push the stirings all the way down to actually make a sound for any amount of time and i cant switch cords without stopping and then changing each finger one by one


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
ive about given up on guitar. i cant push the stirings all the way down to actually make a sound for any amount of time and i cant switch cords without stopping and then changing each finger one by one
Sounds like you are going through exactly what we all went through. It takes some time, but you will get. Just keep it up.
No offense, but I give up trying to understand what you were saying. I don't speak internet shorthand or whatever you call it.


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Originally Posted by JacknJill
ok ill keep trying. i need to get some new strings though.
Guitar has a lot to do with it. Make sure you have a descent quality guitar if you are serious. I have seen a lot of cheap guitars that are just unplayable. Don't try to learn too many chords at once either. Most songs can be played with 3 chords. Start with G,C and D then throw an E minor in between the G and C. Once you get the easy major chords down throw the F in there to get a touch of what a simple bar chord is like.
Believe me, the chord changes will come. You will be lifting up one finger at a time and replacing them for a while and then it will become automatic and you will never think of it again on the simple chords. Then you get to learn the minors, 7ths, 9ths, sus, etc. Then the real fun begins. Playing up the neck in different positions.
Have fun with it. It's very rewarding. :happy:


Active Member
lol.. heh... darn the internet sorthand!!!!!
ok.. the bottom line in my last post was i could'nt figure out how to press the cords... i cant reach them without letting go of another.. (not soo much as letting go of another but not being able to press it hard enought while reaching for another..)
it's a metalica song.. i cant beleive i friggin forgot it's name.. but anyhow.. anytips on how to reach far away frets... maybe im just pressing them with the wronge fingers... so can u tell me which 1 fot which ???


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
lol.. heh... darn the internet sorthand!!!!!
ok.. the bottom line in my last post was i could'nt figure out how to press the cords... i cant reach them without letting go of another.. (not soo much as letting go of another but not being able to press it hard enought while reaching for another..)
it's a metalica song.. i cant beleive i friggin forgot it's name.. but anyhow.. anytips on how to reach far away frets... maybe im just pressing them with the wronge fingers... so can u tell me which 1 fot which ???
The tab itself shows you which fingers to use but you forgot a string as you only show 5:
1 - pointer finger
2 - bird finger
4 - pinky
The 2 on both strings is a bar across 3 stings (the two shown and the one in the middle) but the pinky covers the 4 fret on this middle string. It's a stretch but not too bad. What makes is hard is the bar, otherwise it would not be too bad. The pinky is hard to use as it has little strength and many people never learn to use it effectively. Don't even attempt classical guitar if you are going to puss out on the pinky finger.
One thing that may help is making sure you keep your thumb of your fret hand on the very back of the neck. Many people wrap the thumb too far around. I've seen people use their thumb to actually fret the 6th string.

nemo lover

hehe I need lessons too. The only thing I can play is the beginning of a Nirvana song, and the beginning of a Metallica song. Once its starts to get to like four fingers I give up.


Active Member
ohh no bro.. im not gonna give up.. not just yet.. i admit it's hard but not hard enough for me to give it up just yet.. theres still a passhion to the guitar i still have.. it's the motivation that is a little low.. and the pinky thing.. ehh like u said it will get stronger.... but still a hard reach.. im viet and have stubby fingers like.. so it's like and extra mile to reach...
but ehh... and clasical music is crazy hard.. but thats a goal.. (i probaly will never reach it..) but still.. i like to work from the top and make my way down..heh.... soo anyhow.. u know of any 'beginer' songs that are nice to play??... i mean songs with lots of simple finger picking... i dont like strumming cords and all to much.. i dont appreciate rhytms as much as finer finger picking melodies..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
ohh no bro.. im not gonna give up.. not just yet.. i admit it's hard but not hard enough for me to give it up just yet.. theres still a passhion to the guitar i still have.. it's the motivation that is a little low.. and the pinky thing.. ehh like u said it will get stronger.... but still a hard reach.. im viet and have stubby fingers like.. so it's like and extra mile to reach...
but ehh... and clasical music is crazy hard.. but thats a goal.. (i probaly will never reach it..) but still.. i like to work from the top and make my way down..heh.... soo anyhow.. u know of any 'beginer' songs that are nice to play??... i mean songs with lots of simple finger picking... i dont like strumming cords and all to much.. i dont appreciate rhytms as much as finer finger picking melodies..
If you want to play the old songs that most everyone learns to play, you could start with "Stairway to Heaven". The tab is all over internet and its a finger picking song. Do yourself a favor though. When you learn a song, LEARN THE WHOLE SONG. I go to guitar shops and listen to people play and 90% of them just learn the intros to a song like stairway to heaven or Staind's "It's been a while". They never learn the hard parts.
If you want to learn some classical playing which is major right hand technique, look at the Charles Duncan instructional books. There are 3 of them, but classical is very hard to learn on your own. You really need an instructor because if you don't get the right hand technique down, the speed is hard deliver when you play triplets.


Active Member
yeah.. clasical is super hard... but i still like it non-the-less... one of the main reason is cuzz it's hard
but yeah.. i agree with u on the full song thing.... need the whole thing... but it's hard to find a good song that u like and is fun to play.... anyhow.. 'stairway to heaven'... who writes of sings it?? i might make my life easier if i have the wright song by the right person... and u have any other songs... like them nice smooth songs that Enigma or Enya like?? u know.. thems songs with really nice and soothing melodies ....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
yeah.. clasical is super hard... but i still like it non-the-less... one of the main reason is cuzz it's hard
but yeah.. i agree with u on the full song thing.... need the whole thing... but it's hard to find a good song that u like and is fun to play.... anyhow.. 'stairway to heaven'... who writes of sings it?? i might make my life easier if i have the wright song by the right person... and u have any other songs... like them nice smooth songs that Enigma or Enya like?? u know.. thems songs with really nice and soothing melodies ....

Led Zeppelin does "Stairway to Heaven". If you don't know it, find the song first so you know how it is supposed to sound. That's the one thing about Tab that handicaps you. It only shows you the fret/string map.


Active Member
yeah... but i cant read real notes... big thing about tabs is that it's not exact timeing... ths bro.. ill check it out..