ok my wife replied for me sorry i dident know she poasted for me i just got up to speed
if a wire was shorted the burn would be between the short and the voltage sorce (aka. the bats). so if they removed the wire that would be hard to tell. now if an 8 awg wire was used it could cause conciderable damage to the bats. from the picks it looks like the bats. boiled over, not the bat cables burning. looking at the arrangement of the bats in this pic the bottom bat was in the truck in this order but the bottom bat was at the end w/ the damage. knowing that while you were at the shop looking at them did you hapen to see if it looked like a pice of metal could have ben laying accross the 2 terminals that are accross each other. better yet email me the origenal picks so i can see more detail.
hopefuly a good lesson learned though if you dont fuse the WIRE, the WIRE becomes the fuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
clark is right, kinda hard to prove you dident do this but more important if they took everything out of the truck befor the insurance co. could look at it its going to be hard to porve you did do it.
let me know what goes down.