Anyone one hear of these rare triggers ?


My boss has a 210 in his office and asked me since I have a tank what is a good stocking list for some really rare triggerfish as he loves triggerfish. I did some google reaserch and came up with a few. If anyone has any input or experience on this it would be greatly appreciated.
1-Austrailian Lunula Triggerfish
2-West African Golden Heart Triggerfish
3-Crosshatch Trigerfish
4-Black Durgeon Triggerfish
He wants them relatively small maybe 3-4 inches.
Does anyone know if;
1-These are rare triggerfish
2-What price range they should be in as I couldn't find them on this site and would be walking into a LFS (we have many here with rare fish)pretty much vulernable and blind.


Active Member
The lunula trigger is similar to that of the picasso trigger. It has an elongated nose and is considered rare due to where it is collected as well as how deep it is found. Medium size go for around $250-350
The Golden Heart (GHT) is in the same family as the Queen trigger. This is one of the newer triggers in trade and is considered to be one of the harder triggers to keep due to the large tanks required as well as their aggressive nature. They are absolutely stunning though and well worth having a specimen only tank. Medium sizes go for $250
The Crosshatch is my favorite. I have a male crosshatch and it is a puppy dog. It is considered one of the only reef safe triggers. It is more slender than the other triggers (compared to the clown, niger, blueline, etc). THe colors are stunning and the price is the highest of all the triggers besides the Tongan Golden back trigger. They only come in 6+" and fetch anywhere from $400-700.
The Durgeon is quite common. There are two types of this fish. There is the Melichthys Niger (or true black hawaiian trigger) and the Melichthys Indicus (referred to as the Durgeon or Indian trigger). The black hawaiian (NIger) is darker black with streaks of blue in it. It is a larger species growing to over 15". The Indicus grows to about 12" and has more yellow/brown in it. It also has a different type of tail. These guys are around $69-89.
The rarest triggers are the Crosshatch and the GoldenBack. The goldenback comes in larger sizes 8"+ and costs are around 1200-1500.


Thanks for the super info this really helps alot. I will google the pictures of these triggerfish and show them to my boss to see what he likes.
Medium is 4 inches ?
I saw some Pics of the GHT and they are truely amazing. Couldn't find that much info on them but saw one of them online for around $200 for a 3 inch one would that be ok for a year or two in the 210 with maybe a med. Clown,Lunula, And Crosshatch ?
Will the GHT since its from the same family as the Queen triggerfish have to be alone in a specimens tank ? Sorry Couldn't find much info on the GHT.


Active Member
The GHT will be fine in a 210 for a couple of years. They dont get to 24" like the queen but are from the same family. There is little known about these in captivity due to the fact that they are fairly new to trade.
IMO - I would choose either the GHT or the clown. I would not have 2 super aggressive triggers in the same tank especially a 210. I would also skip the Lunula as I personally think that it is ugly. I like the Picasso and the rectangle better.
If it were me, I would get a pair of crosshatches, the GHT, and a Hawaiian black (Melycthys Niger).


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
The GHT will be fine in a 210 for a couple of years. They dont get to 24" like the queen but are from the same family. There is little known about these in captivity due to the fact that they are fairly new to trade.
IMO - I would choose either the GHT or the clown. I would not have 2 super aggressive triggers in the same tank especially a 210. I would also skip the Lunula as I personally think that it is ugly. I like the Picasso and the rectangle better.
If it were me, I would get a pair of crosshatches, the GHT, and a Hawaiian black (Melycthys Niger).

Great advise.


Would the GHT bother triggerfish of different families like the Crosshatch,Picasso,Niger,hawaiin black ?
hes ok in a tank just no clown or undulated is advised ?


Active Member
He should be fine with the others, but you never know. Each trigger is different. My niger is a pussy cat and I put in a larger Blueline (which is my favorite trigger, and one of the biggest and most aggressive) and the niger beat the absolute tar out of it. The niger left the smaller clown alone.


You can look and purchace the following triggerfish on live aquarias divers den right now.
lunula trigger
goldenheart trigger
Crosshatch trigger.


No most goldenhearts that have been imported in the last year are very docile.As a matter fact i have one on hold at my local fish store right now to go in my 210.
Originally Posted by Espkh9
Would the GHT bother triggerfish of different families like the Crosshatch,Picasso,Niger,hawaiin black ?
hes ok in a tank just no clown or undulated is advised ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by triggerfre
No most goldenhearts that have been imported in the last year are very docile.As a matter fact i have one on hold at my local fish store right now to go in my 210.

Interesting, keep us updated on that please, would love to see it...btw you should remove's competitor site you posted above, save Journeyman the trouble.


just a note on CC comments does anyone know if a GHT and a Niger Trigger (Red tooth) can live together or will they generally get along as he suggested a ght 2 crosshatches and some type of trigger from the niger family and I found a red tooth niger trigger.


Yes they should.But there is always a chance as with any triggers that they wont get along.All you can do is try.
Originally Posted by Espkh9
just a note on CC comments does anyone know if a GHT and a Niger Trigger (Red tooth) can live together or will they generally get along as he suggested a ght 2 crosshatches and some type of trigger from the niger family and I found a red tooth niger trigger.


Here is a pic of the goldenheart trigger that i have on hold at me local fish store.He is about 3.5 inches and pretty feisty.

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Interesting, keep us updated on that please, would love to see it...btw you should remove's competitor site you posted above, save Journeyman the trouble.


Looks healthy about 4 and 1/2 inches. I have him on hold at my LFS. I watched a few times this week he is not as aggresive as the clowns.
Looks like I might get him sometime next week if my boss likes it. I'm sure he will he likes the GHT more than any triggerfish when I first showed it to him.


Its a Beauty !!!
Anyways so I'm going with CC advice getting 2 crosshatch triggerfish 1 GHT and I niger red tooth triggerfish.
they should all getalong ?since they are mostly from different families ?