Anyone order from...



Has anyone ordered from IPSF? <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I was thinking about getting their live sand activator package. I'd order from SWF because I really appreciate this site, but they don't sell this.


Active Member
yep, got it from them, and was satisfied, just keep in mind one thing, it is difficult ot acclimate these critters with fish in the tank, b/c they will often eat many of them before they can get established in the sand bed
HTH and good luck

mr . salty

Active Member
What if you were to put a couple cups of sand from the tank into a small container with maybe a bubbler for a few hours.Then add the sand to the tank????


I've got the 20 gal running to be sure some LR is cured. What if I put in 20lbs Natures Ocean Sand or Arag. Sand - put these critters in there and let 'em grow... then seed my tank a cup or two a week? I could always toss in a few pinches of flake to feed 'em, right?
What do you think about the MiniStars? And, will they get eaten? Below is from the site:
MiniStars tm, our 100% Captive-Bred Hawaiian Reef Brittle Stars. MiniStars are small, incredibly industrious sand stirrers and cleaners that will help keep your live sand bed healthy, aerobic and free of decomposing detritus - the organic particlesthat rain down every day from the water column above. These reef-dwelling ophiuroids reproduce readily in closed systems because
they have direct development (no planktonic stage). Reef safe, will not bulldoze. Size of individual specimens ranges from approx.
1/4 to 1/2 inch; includes adults, sub-adults and juveniles. MiniStars do not grow larger than approx. 1 inch in diameter. Sold only
with the purchase of a SuperSized Mix 'n Match Special. 6 specimens


Active Member
theoretically sounds good, couple hours maybe not, but days mybe yes, and i like sandy's idea, jsut make sure your rock is done curing, the ammonia spike could be a prob for them, and you could do more than a cup or 2 a week
mini stars are cool, nothing has bothered ours, but that also depends on what you have in the tank