ANyone out there keeping a domino damsel?


if any of you guys has a domino damsel, please tell me what other fish do you keep with it? i am having a heck of a time trying to add a new fish. the domino is very aggressive, but he is very active and getting larger and i don't really want to yank him..
i got a 55 gal. with a couple of shrimps, 2 clowns and the domino.


Active Member
I don't have a domino at the moment, but I know what you mean about them being agressive. My advice would be to move the domino to another tank for a few weeks when you add a new fish. Then, when you put the domino back into the tank, he will be the new guy, and might even get picked on by your clowns. More than that, there isn't much you can do. Dominoes generally just get more and more aggressive with age, and are generally indiscriminate in who they pick on. They will pick on any kind of fish, it's just hit and miss as to what fish you can add that your domino won't bother.


Just get a lionfish....the damsel won't pick on him :) I actually had to get rid of my domino also. As they get bigger they get meaner and lose pretty much all of their coloring.


Active Member
actually, the domino will pick onthe lion, but once opportunity presents itself9if the lion makes it taht long) it will all be over in a matter of seconds(or less)
We have a 6 inch yellow tang, various other damsels and a royal gramma, a pair of clowns and a madarin in our one tank, and all the domino attacks, is me(li bas**d!!!). But most of the other fish are bigger ane more assertive than he is.


I have 1 domino in a 30gal with a Scopus Tang, a Gramma, 2 damsels, and a Firefish. He only seems to run the damsels out of a hiding spot once in a awhile. Not really become a problem but if he does his butts takin a lil trip down the


New Member
I have 2 domino damsels and 2 zebra damsels and 2 clowns and yellow tang and dragon goby. No problems yet. and I've had them for an year now.....:)


I've got 1 domino and 2 electric blue damsels and he is the boss of the tank. The 2 blues kick each others ass, but the Domino will pop in and let them know who is the King. Just his personality I guess. He even looks at me like he would kill me if it wasn't for the glass between us.


My residents are 1 domino, two striped damsels, 1 picasso trigger, and a lunar wrasse. They all get along well. No one gets picked on much. The order you place them in the tank can be critical. Usually start with the least agressive first then gradually add additional fish with the last one being the most agressive. My domino is now full grown and actually bigger the second biggest fish in the tank after the wrasse.


I started my tank with yellow tail, devil, and 2 dominos, neon. My tank is now 1 year old and the dominos have grown alot. They are aggresive, but so far so good. One thing I do notice, if any of the fish are not lets say(feeling well) they wont let it be. I had to remove my sailfin tang and put him in a QT, they wouldnt let him be. I am fighting an invisible crisis right know. Hope this helps. They do get worse as they grow.