Anyone play Everquest?


Did at one time?
Now I am waiting for the Matrix Online, want to give that I try.
Morpheus: Welcome to the real world.
Love that series. There is so much hidden in it.


me and my brother used to play ultima online. we finally just didnt have enough time to play, so we sold our accounts. i used to spend HOURS in front of the computer playing that game.... my cousin had a level 60 char on everquest before he got rid of his account. i think he got $500 for it on e-bay.



Originally posted by GreatfullReefer
I do indeed play EverCrack have 2 level 65 toons on the Drinal server

I have friends still on that server that paly 60th level druids.
I will try to remember there names for ya.


I'm on Veeshan.
I have 15 level 62+ characters I've leveled or been given from my buddies who have quit over the years.


Active Member

Originally posted by Lutz493
Any of you guys play Everquest?
What server you play on and your level?

I use to play... for about five years.. I also did work on the project as part of the design team.. Have many friends that use to work for Verant.