Anyone sucessful with more than 1 dwarf angel?


New Member
I have a 55gal FOWLR tank. Fish include a half black angel, royal gramma, banggai cardinal and neon goby. I was thinking of adding a cherub dwarf angel to finish of my list but have heard, typically, it is not a good idea to have more than one dwarf angel. Anyone? If not possible, what other options do I have? I want a free swimmer with some blue coloration.


I personally wouldn't do it in a 55. How about a midas blenny or a hawaiian spotted, saddle, or blue puffer?


Well i have seen it done but they both need to be introduced at the same time, and it helps if they are the same species. this way they could be a mated pair and will not setup territory.


"Anyone sucessful with more than 1 dwarf angel?"
Yes, but not in the same tank.

Generally speaking, you are better off with just one angel fish unless you have a really big aquarium.
My girlfriend has a dwarf angel and it is the most aggressive fish in her tank!


I have 3 dwarfs and 1 large angel in my 225, 55 might be pushing it! Maybe with a lot of rock and hiding places....