anyone use C-balance ??


New Member
anyone ever used C-balance ??
Has anyone here ever used the product called C-balance ?? its by a company called "two little fishies"..
just curious if it was worth the price and if the ratios of strontium an magnesium were as advertised,,or if i'd still have to suppliment my reef..
my reef is only a 20 gal. with about 25 lbs of live rock and 3 inches of live sand,,,my bioload is small,,as i only have 2 clowns and 1 goldenheaded sleeper goby..
i have a medium sized colt coral, an open brain, asst. polyps, and feather dusters..
i have also a cleanup crew consisting of about 15 blue legged hermits and a few turbo snails..
i protein skim heavily and add kalkwasser for my makeup water and suppliment strontium and iodine each once a week..
nitrates <20ppm
ammonia is 0
calcium is >450ppm
ph is 8.1
alkalnity is 7 DKH
my temp is 72 deg.
i have a 175 watt 5500k metal halide and a 7200k blue actinic bulb on top..


Active Member
I've tried it.
It's a good 2-part alk and calcium product.
Although - with numbers like you posted, dripping kalk, I wouldn't change your routine.
Maybe a marine buffer to raise your pH and alk a little - but those are good calcium and alk readings IMO.
Are you testing for strontium and iodine ?