Anyone use cell pore

chef jaysen

Anyone use cell pore.. Just curious cause it seems like a good thing but I never read anything on it.......Thanks

nm reef

Active Member information on the product nor do I have experience with it. Describe it and briefly explan what it is and what its reported to do.
Myself I avoid excessive additives with miricle claims...I add for calcium/alaklinity...use kalkwasser on a regular basis to maintain levels of calcium/alkalinity...and do monthly 5% water changes to replenish trace elememts. I prefer to keep things simple and measureable.:cool:

chef jaysen

Per a online catalog I have:
Cell Pore BioMedia
Cell pore media can be reusede repeatedly and they provide ten times more surface area than any current bio filter medium. They effectively remove more ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Simply rinse in warm water to reuse. Great for biorocker wet/dry filter. Made of non clogging, open pore ceramic glass foam
Looks like a alternative to bio balls. My lfs said they were good but you know how that is.
Just curious if anyone uses it or has heard of it.


Cell Pore comes in i think 6"x6"x1" dimensions. There is a guy I know who made a 3' tower with these cell pore things stacked inside. Water was pumped from the overflow to the top of the tower and then exited the bottom of the tower into his sump where he also ran a protein skimmer. It seemed to be a pretty inventive way of using filter material without using up a bunch of space. I don't remember what the estimated total surface area was but it was an astronomical number. His tank has always looked great, however, i would have to see the science behind the claim that cell pore aids in nitrate removal. Far as i know there is not an aerobic bacteria that can pull that off.