Anyone use NewEnglands Red hermits

Wondering if our little hermits in New England would do the job of reef keeping any input,for that matter what about our periwinkles(small local snails appear to be sand sifters).They currently survive in 74 to 85 degree inland waters although they deal with the winter lows as well....Any local marine bioligist thoughts would be as welcome as hands on hobbiest.
Thanks Scottbythesea in Lil'Rhody:confused:

madd catt

You know, thats a good question, i think it can be done,thats if anyone has done this without adding something attached to the hermit or snail that can cause a problem to thier tank.
Those hermits are the same or close to what you get in a clean crew package (i think) anyways.
I dont know about hermits but I use the countless numbers of snails that can be found here on the GA coast. They hop right to cleaning. We dont have any algae eating hermits around here from what I can tell, I had a couple in a local only tank with plenty of algae and they died a few weeks later. So I dont know if they starved or were missing something. I didnt trust them in one of my regular tanks, the local roughnecks might have beaten up on the foreign hermits, they just looked meaner.