anyone use sunpod hqi lamps?


i had bought 20” SunPod 1X150W 14K HQI for my nanocube a while ago but i think somethign was wrong becuase the lighting looked awkward and i was thinking about trying it out again see if it happened again. If anyone uses this light can you post pictures of your tank? Thanks


I have the 20" 250 watt version and it has been working great for me so far.
It should be an almost blue-ish color with the 14k's. I don't have a pic right now though.


Just got my 20" Sunpod (250 watts) yesterday. Here are a couple of pics. I also run a Nova Extreme T5 HO @ 96 watts with these lights.



Active Member
We have one, I will try and get pics up of it. We mod'd it though and wired an additional fan to the outside to help move air over the top of the tank.