anyone use these moon lights?


Yeah creepy to the point that I don't want to buy it...
I just wish they stated the amount of intensity that can be dimmed out of them.
Like if they had controlability down to 1V a piece then they would be good, otherwise; your right that they would be too bright...


WOW, I wish I had a Costco near by.

If you have a Costco near by I will Paypal you some moolaa to buy them ship them and gas money...
sound good?


O O I found them online for a decent price. What size do you thinkI need for a 36" 46G tank. the 2- 9" bars or the 2- 15" Bars?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rostato
O O I found them online for a decent price. What size do you thinkI need for a 36" 46G tank. the 2- 9" bars or the 2- 15" Bars?
2 15s would be fine....if its to bright, you can always dim them.
Thats one of the great features about those lights.


You can dim them all the way down? You don't think I could get away with the 2 9" ones? Or would there not be enough coverage?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rostato
You can dim them all the way down? You don't think I could get away with the 2 9" ones? Or would there not be enough coverage?
Hard to say if that would be enough coverage...thats why I say go with the bigger light...If you get the smaller one and its not bright will not be happy. Yes the light is dimmable ALL the way down.