Anyone want him?


The Mantis Shrimp That fell out of my LR is still alive. Anyone want him before I dispose of him? I am in the Massachusetts area. If you want me to ship it you have to cover costs or perhaps we could work out a trade. If you want a pic of it look up the thread I posted titled "Mantis Shrimp".


Active Member

Originally posted by meemmoo
The Mantis Shrimp That fell out of my LR is still alive. Anyone want him before I dispose of him? I am in the Massachusetts area. If you want me to ship it you have to cover costs or perhaps we could work out a trade. If you want a pic of it look up the thread I posted titled "Mantis Shrimp".

Part of me says Yes and the other parts (mainly my hand that would have to go in the tank) says NO lol.
As they get bigger they can snap your finger.
Thier "snap" generates the same force of a .22 bullet.
Although it'd be really fun to watch I'm sure..And I have though of turning my Nano into a Mantis tank...
Where abouts are you in Ma.?