anyone who knows lighting well


Active Member
a friend of mine has a 29 gallon tank, with standard flo lighting, they are just starting, i recently talked them out of cc andd a ugf(they switched to lr adn are adding ls), and after seeing our tanks, her and her husband are now trying to do things right, but
yesterday her dad went out and bought her a condi for her birthday, and i have been after them for their lights, so they aare ready to add some, my question is with a 29 gallon, what lighting would meeeet their needs for a condi anemone? i want to hwlp them make the swtich properly, but the guy at the lfs telling her dad that the lighting would be fine, and her trates are betweeen 80 and 100, he insisted that they would not hurt either(not a very good lfs), but i have gotten them to work on that, she really does not want to take it back but is ready to get lights now, would pc be ok, along with removing the current lighitn and putting in an actinic bulb??
i wish they'd take it back(the lfs probably would not anyway, but that is not their decision so any help woudl be appreciated)
i am working ot get her on to the board too, bu tright now, i would like to see them get the anemone the proper equipment to support an anmemone

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Sounds to me so far like a disaster in the making with a tank that new nitrates that high. My advice is to bring back the anemone first, then have them reevaluate what they want in their tank. Then they should read up on the basics. Lighting can be considered after they decide what they would like and know how to care for it BEFORE it is purchased.


Active Member
i know this guy at the lfs, and he is a sob, so returning is not really an option, especially ifit means he could be wrong, the tank is actually 3 yrs old(or more), they are just now starting to do things right, but this guy has been here for 30 yrs and most around here think he knows alot, so it is hard to convince most others that he is wrong(but he sells ugf's and swears that is the only way you can do it)
so i am helping them as much as possible, but htey too think he knows his stuff, so it is a little difficult, but if i can get their trates in line and help them get good lighting, i will do this, but i too think it is a disastrer, in fact if it were up to me, i would not have left them get it period, i am trying to help them, but when they go places like that, it is very difficult
thanks for the reply baron, i knwe you could help with my answer


sorry to be in your situation
they you have another lfs? to trade in the anemone
try that, beside I don't really know what next


Active Member
next closest lfs is 1 hr away, and as i believed i mentioned, they believe him and don't wieh to trade, i have tried this already(with them)
i would try to convince anyone against anemones, especially new aquariists(although having a tank for years, they are new to the actaul keeping, b4 it was only a couple of damsels adn a ugf, JUST A TANK TO THEM)


Active Member
I'd tell them to save their money for the time being... put the money into more LR/LS (if they still need it). The anemone will do just fine if their water params are stable and acceptable... they will just have to feed it more often. I have a BTA under NO lighting... feed it about 3 times a week and it's loving life in my tank.
If they have decided it's time to upgrade the lighting, I'd go with one 175w MH, probably a 10k bulb. retro fit kits are avail reasonably cheap, just have to find a way to mount the kit so nothig would melt (probably involve building a canopy). Personally I prefer 1 MH bulb over multiple PC or VHO bulbs... just my opinion though. you can certaily get 150 or so watts of PC or VHO and be ok.


ya the lfs fshub is talking about i asked him about ls and lr and the guy just about threw me out of the store (can u believe that one). told me there is no way you can keep a tank with that everything would die its useless. i was talking to the people that got the anemone about test kits and this guy told them they didnt have to test their tank for nothing, not even amm, trites, or trates (go figure huh) its amazing the guys been in business for 30 yrs