anyone with a fimbraited moray have pics?


Here is a pic of mine. he was about 2' long
I had to get rid of him anything under 4" was expensive eel food.
Even a 4" fox face.

The only thing under 4" that survived was a Porky Puffer.
He was very aggresive!
I had him in my 90 gal with a Lunar Wrasse aprox 10" a Grouper aprox 8" and a Porky Puffer. When I got a larger tank and trying to stock it all hell broke loose with the eel! he had to go

salt life

Active Member
thank you for sharing! When you had him in the 90 did he have enough room? Right now mine is in a 75g with a chain link moray which will be getting a new home once the fimby gets bigger and he will have the 75g to himself. you think that would be ok for him? thanks again for the picture


I think it will be fine
Mine only came out when he smelled food.
I loved the eel. Way fun to feed and cool looking.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by chana
I think it will be fine
Mine only came out when he smelled food.
I loved the eel. Way fun to feed and cool looking.
alrighty thanks...
He is an awesome eel, doesn't really swim around as much but my guess is because he is still small compared to the chain link even though the fimby is the one with the big teeth
I can't really tell in the pic but do their heads stay the bright green yellow or does it get darker? looks darker in the pic but idk if its from the flash or somethin...


Active Member
not sure the size...Im sure he got it down...bite chunks out until he could get it down...see the rock move when it tightened up..scary stuff..

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
not sure the size...Im sure he got it down...bite chunks out until he could get it down...see the rock move when it tightened up..scary stuff..
lol yeah I saw that, was a nice size rock too.