Anyone with a lemonpeel angel?


I am trying to find something less aggressive and smaller for my 55G reef tank then the yellow tang I curretly have. I haven't seen one of these for a while, but one of my LFS had about 6-7 of them in. Has any one had any problems with them nipping at corals? the only corals I have are Mushrooms, xenia, frogspawn, toadstool and what I was told a bubble coral but doesnt really look like anything I've ever seen! Does anyone have any experience with this fish? thanks


Active Member
Are you just intrested in the angle or something reefsafe, peacefull, active and YELLOW ?
If the latter then might check out the damsels in Pomacentrus sp. sweet fish. Lemon Damselfish. Maybe LFS can order them.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Are you just intrested in the angle or something reefsafe, peacefull, active and YELLOW ?
If the latter then might check out the damsels in Pomacentrus sp. sweet fish. Lemon Damselfish. Maybe LFS can order them.
Thanks for the info but I will NEVER put another damsel in my tank!! I had to fight with one for about 3 hours to get it outta my tank!! little B******!! I am looking for something smaller to replace my yellow tang. more suitable for a 55G. I am curious if anyone has one in a reef and if they do, do they have any problems. Thanks guys!


Active Member
TFH magazine has an article on dwarf angels in the current issue. The lemon didn't get rave reviews. They are tied for the most aggressive category and it seems as though they don't have much long term success in an aquarium. The coral beauty and cherub angels are the hardiest and best behaved, also the least likely to nip at corals of the dwarfs. I know, I know, not all yellow.....but I thought I would share just the same.
Maybe a yellow wrasse? I THINK it is Wax32 who has has a nice one with some pics posted, maybe do a search under his name.


Originally Posted by fishmamma
TFH magazine has an article on dwarf angels in the current issue. The lemon didn't get rave reviews. They are tied for the most aggressive category and it seems as though they don't have much long term success in an aquarium. The coral beauty and cherub angels are the hardiest and best behaved, also the least likely to nip at corals of the dwarfs. I know, I know, not all yellow.....but I thought I would share just the same.
Maybe a yellow wrasse? I THINK it is Wax32 who has has a nice one with some pics posted, maybe do a search under his name.
I had a cherub till Katrina took it out last year....doesnt seem like a lot of people have these cherub was very mean and LOVED my GSP till they finally died... not sure what I am gonna do yet! hopefully someone else will have some experince with these!!


New Member
lemonpeels do pick a lot causing corals to close up,in the end they do damage.pity they are so nice TEL :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bret61081
I had a cherub till Katrina took it out last year....doesnt seem like a lot of people have these cherub was very mean and LOVED my GSP till they finally died... not sure what I am gonna do yet! hopefully someone else will have some experince with these!!
My cherub is probably one of the nicest fish in my tank and never bothers anything. He's very active also and has a cute swimming style.


Active Member
I am on my second cherub and have also had much better luck than you Bret. We can make generalizations on the fish as a group but you never know until you bring an individual home unfortunatly. Someone on this board has a lemonpeel and was speaking of some naughty behavior recently but they are not commonly seen. I hope you get some more feedback!


I've got a lemonpeel in my 90 gallon reef. It picks at all of my corals and sponges and also my linkia starfish in the beginning (but stopped now). It gets along great with the other fish though. Really i haven't seen any damage to the corals, but I don't have anything really fragile in there. Ricordias, shrooms, polyps. Seems like you have about the same types of corals. I don't think you have anything to worry about. They nip, but don't do any damage. I've had it in there for going on 5 months now. Fact is, it is the most visually stunning color of yellow imaginable and worth the worry.
Here it is nipping at one of my sponges.