Anyone with a Marine Beta ?


Today, i put money down on a Marine Beta at my LFS. I think these fish are beatiful but, am starting to have second thoughts about acutally bringing him home. I have a 72gl tank with a Maroon clown, Purple Tang, Diamond Goby, Six line Wrasse, Psychadelic Manderin with about 90lbs live rock, is this adding to much fish? Also at the LFS he said that they may eat some smaller shrimp, I have a large cleaner shrimp he is approx 3.5 - 4 inches am i putting him in harmes way by getting this fish ? :happyfish


marine bettas are groupers and will eat your shrimp even if they are big. only if the betta eats anyways as these guys it is hard to get them to start eating. also they are very shy and will hide all the time.


Yes, they are very beautiful, and really easy to keep alive once they start eating. Mine is almost full grown and any shrimp that can fit in his mouth is food. However, I can't imagine even my full grown beta (his name is Wade) eating a 4 inch shrimp. I don't know if you are pushing your bioload or not, but marine betas don't really take up much space. They are very inactive and hide almost all the time. Mine only comes out when my hands are above the tank at feeding time.