Anyone with Access to PC Parts?


Hello all,
Can anyone here get good deals on laptop parts? I have a Toshiba laptop and it got knocked off the table and ruined the LCD.
Normally it would comparison shop for PC parts and get one as I find the best price (since I have my desktop anyway).
My problem is since I am in the navy and will be deployed overseas on the 14th of this month, I am kinda in a rush to find one and get my laptop fixed since I use it on the ship.
Does any of you guys get good deals or even have one lying around that you could sell cheap?
The PC is:
Make: Toshiba
Model: 2405-S201
Screen type: 14.1” TTF LCD Screen LP141X7 LG Phillip
The same screen was used in Sony VAIOs and Compaq Armada E500 as well as others.


Active Member
Ewww.... I used to work in PC repair. When an LCD went bad we usually replaced the whole laptop (warranties are great) or sent it in for service by the manufacturer. We fixed everything else but bad laptop motherboards ourselves.
Good luck though!


Active Member
try this website
i never ordered anything from them but they sell everything from them
also try to find a message board for toshiba pcs i found one form my compaq laptop and alot of people on the message board know how to do stull like replacing drives, cpu's, lcd, and other stuff