
what kind of light do you need to keep a rad brian coral alive and where should it be place at in the tank any info will help alot thanks PS slick you must not know the answer 2 the post or you would have answerit thank you very muchhhhhhhhhhhh:D


what kind of red brain? open, blasstumosa,favite, etc? maybe someone will help if you are a little more specific.


Active Member
Here is some general info on LPS Brains that I pulled off of another site that might be helpful.
Care Level: Easy
Light: Moderate to High
Water Flow: Medium
Placement: All
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Color Form: Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, Tan
Dominance: Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Ideal Supplements: Calcium, Strontium, Trace Elements
Origin: Indo-Pacific, South Pacific
Family: Mussidae
Behavior is semi-aggressive and it will sting other corals with its extended sweeper tentacles during the night. Provide plenty of space between it and other neighboring corals. It is easy to maintain in the reef aquarium, making it an excellent candidate for the beginning through expert reef aquarist. It requires moderate to strong lighting combined with a moderate water movement within the aquarium. For continued good health, it will also require the addition of calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water


Active Member
Same red open brain under various lighting.
96 watt pc Smartlite - coral did not grow - but lived - barely.
No direct feedings.
30 gallon long - placed on rockwork.
260 watts pc (2) 8700K and (2) actnics pc's
Coral did indeed grow ~ began regular weekly feedings.
75 gallon - place on sandbed.
500 watt MH with 440 watt VHO supplement.
Coral is doing very well and has increased overall size.
Still do weekly feedings.
75 gallon - placed on sandbed.


Active Member
if its just a standard open brain like the one posted by broomer above, its not going to have sweeper tentacles. it does have feeder tentacles, that extend from the folds in the animal, however it can still be placed relatively close to other corals without worry. i have mine on the sandbed of my 20 under 130watts of pc lightign and the thing came back from the dead at the lfs , and has since doubled in size!
i agree that they need to be fed weekley, and it is important to add calcium and carbonate supplements for them so they can continue to grow!
good luck