Anyonw make Glass lids for Aquariums?


okay well i got new lights and that meant . losing my canopy... now my salt is dropping rapidly.... i need some sort of glass canopy
so can anyone here make them or can you suggest some place where i can get one?! thanks
treybomb0033 - yahoo . com


Active Member
You don't want glass lids.
evaporation is fine. Just top off your tank regularly.
Glass lids keep heat in, absorb light (if you don't keep them clean), and prevent gas exchange.


Active Member
1journeyman is right, if your salinity is dropping it is not because you dont have glass covering your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
get glass lids dude trust me get them quick and just whipe them down once a week
That's just not correct puffer. You didn't address heat or gas exchange...
Salinity cannot drop due to evaporation. Salt doesn't evaporate. In fact, you should notice your salinity increasing as water evaporates.


Staff member
What are you using to measure salinity? Are are you mixing up your water when you do water changes?
SALT DOES NOT EVAPORATE. Only water evaporates. If you don't believe this, put some salt in a pot of water. Put this on the stove and bring it to a boil, allowing all the water to boil [evaporate out]. When the water is gone, on the bottom of the pot will be salt.


im using a dip in hydromoter.... i know that salt doenst evaporate but im wondering whats causuing the sudden drop?! it used to be at 1.026


Active Member
Water changes? And maybe you arent measuring properly when you fill the tank back up? I remember when I was a newbie and I didnt know that the salt level in the bucket had to be just as high as it is in the tank. Is that your problem also I wonder?


well i usually try to make the new water salinity a lil higher to increase the overall salinity in the tank


Active Member
Hmm...thats weird, because the ONLY way, and mean the ONLY ONLY ONLY way for a tank to actually lose salt is by water changes. I recommend investing in a decent refractometer...I will never go back to a hydrometer. They are crap...and this is proof...I dont think it is giving you accurate results.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PFitz44
Why would u wnat to do that??
...possibly because the salt before was a little low...


Active Member
i never said anythhing u accused me of saying i am just saying that it is better to have glass than no glass at all


Active Member
Originally Posted by treybom
okay well i got new lights and that meant . losing my canopy... now my salt is dropping rapidly.... i need some sort of glass canopy
so can anyone here make them or can you suggest some place where i can get one?! thanks
treybomb0033 - yahoo . com

Go to any glass shop in the phone book. Takes 5 min to cut and smooth and they will do it while you stand there. It will not be tempered glass though. Be careful with it. I had custom galss cut for a 20 G and it was $14. Round cuts are harder. For the real DIY, go to home depot, buy a sheet of glass and a cheap glass cutter ($10) and have at it.


Active Member
Trey, temp changes (water temp) can cause different readings in hydrometers.
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
i never said anythhing u accused me of saying i am just saying that it is better to have glass than no glass at all
I'm not accusing you of saying anything. That's the comment that I disagree with. Glass covers increase temp, block light, and severely limit gas exchange. You say glass is better than no glass; most will disagree with that due to the reasons I've listed...