Anything other than fish for 130 watt PC's?


Hi All - just wondering if you know of anything else that could thrive with this lighting setup - I just have a few fish & LR/LS and also a few purple mushrooms that are doing well and some aiptasia- which I don't really - I'm working on that problem..I've read stats on many corals/inverts, but I'd rather ask you guys for ideas - Anyone have anything doing well under this wattage or less? I am going to wait about a year for the tank to establigh & upgrade the lighting & try for the works! Thanks!


How big is your tank and more importantly, how deep? I have 130W PC on a 18" deep 29gal. and I keep leathers, mushrooms, and zoos right now. They are all growing out of control. I have to frag my leathers every 2 months just to keep them "in" the tank.


Active Member
in your profile it says you have a 55, so if your talking about the same tank, no theres not much you can keep, probley just mushrooms and zoos, mabey some other softies


Originally Posted by fedukeford
in your profile it says you have a 55, so if your talking about the same tank, no theres not much you can keep, probley just mushrooms and zoos, mabey some other softies
I agree, 130 on a 55g tank is not alot for a reef tank, but as stated before you can Mushrooms, Zoos, and softies, but I would stay away from LPS, SPS corals, and Clams.


i beg to differ on the LPS corals. Blastomosa can be kept as well as candy canes, forspwaan, and hammer corals. Just put the euphyllia corals higher in the tank. Most softies will be alright. Colorful zoos will eventually brown out. Most soft corals will be alright, however very few need bright lights to survive. A lot of softies require feedings to thrive, so if you are in experienced, stay away from anything in the nephitade family.